Commercial site layout - 2023

Residential production - 2019

Featured Projects

As Built documentation for Storm and Sewer Systems about Atlanta, GA


We provided support to produce survey mapping documents for the several counties around Atlanta for updates and other changes done to various storm and sewer system areas.  This involved using Civil 3D to convert survey point data into a graphic layout of the system lines with manholes, cleanouts, inlets, curbes, etc all labeled with coordinates for maintenance use.

Residential production - 2021

Residential renovation - 2017

This concept site layout was produced to get a permit to proceed with a property development and construction documents.

Interior Renovation - Residential Kitchen

Kitchen Renovation, Milner, GA Remodeling of cabinet and counter layout with new appliances and fixtures.  New floor covering and wall finishes included in project. Appliance cabinets are installed for mixer and food processor on either side of cook top to provide easy food preparation and clean appearance when not in use.

This is another example of a residential production plan. similar to the one in 2019.

This production home builder is also using the same automation platform with AutoCAD Architecture files to create a master plan set that is connected to a database engine for creating custom plans from customer option selections.

Interior Fit-out and Exterior Facade Renovation


100,000 SF Warehouse Renovation, Macon, GADesign project to update an existing warehousefor a new tenant. Design included 9000+ SF ofcorporate office space with a sales counter forlocal vendors.Exterior façade was updated to add anentrance for the corporate space and tenantlogos on a new canopy skin.

A house renovation for a coworker. This existing house is located in a redeveloping neighborhood in Atlanta. The owner wanted to renovate the layout of the interior to open up some of the spaces for better flow.

We opened up the kitchen to the dining area creating a great entertainment space as well as opening up the family room in the rear and adding a row of large windows to bring light into the space and connect the interior with the backyard.

CAD/Systems management

Good CAD Management is the kind that

happens ‘behind the curtain’.  The best statement about the management of your production systems should be that they just work. We want you to be able to concentrate on your projects and your business.  Let us handle the  mechanics that allow you that focus. From CAD Library development to Custom configurations, we can make it work for you.
You define what you need, how your office works, and we can create the background elements for your work to take the front stage. Systems Management is a key part of a solid production environment.  We can survey your operation, explore options, and work with you to define a path to installation, upgrade and growth of your infrastructure to support your business needs, now and for the future.

This is an example of a brochure view of a residential plan from a production home builder. We provided production support for building these plan sets using a system that automates the assembly of the plans based on options chosen by the customer.

The plans are drawn and then taken apart into component sets - a base plan of all objects that do not change is the core of the sets. The options are laid out around this core and linked back to it using script logic that is connected to a database engine.

This engine has a worksheet interface used by the sales team to walk a customer through the options. once selected, A custom plan set is created for the customer in a matter of minutes.

Months of work go into building and testing these master plan sets with a result being a powerful sales tool for the sales team and customers.

Design Ideas

Every space is different. Every structure has its unique reason for existing.
We might produce a thousand ideas before arriving at the perfect one for a project or client. It's a necessary part of the creative architectural process and one that we take seriously. Here's how we do it:

  • Start with a project mission statement
  • Create a mind map using key words and phrases in the mission statement
  • Use the mind map to arrive at the 3-5 top project objectives
  • Use the top 3-5 project objectives to brainstorm project goals in a non-judgmental environment
  • Put project objectives and goal aside for 2-4 weeks to let them marinate
  • Rigorously review goals and objectives to assign a priority ranking
  • Create project plan based on goals and objectives that includes milestones and contingencies